Soar! In 66 days
James 1:22: "But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves." The media has made it easy to become desensitized to the evil that takes place in our world every day. It can be tempting to simply turn off the TV, indifferent to the darkness surrounding us. But God doesn't call us to just sit back and shrug. We are meant to be soldiers on the frontline for Christ. And we fight with words and works of love. Maybe it's time to move from the sidelines and rise out of our apathy. The more we love, the bigger the heart we develop for God's hurting children.
What stops you from showing passion and concern about life or people?
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"God Cares and You Should Too!" For Those Who Don't Care- Apathy has evolved into something stronger, less condemnable by modern standards. "I don't care" has become a parasite that is a powerful non-emotion. It shackles you to yourself. It's a motivational straight jacket that you can't feel. Often, the apathetic will fight as hard as you push them for the opportunity to dismiss any prompt for activity. So on today push back!
((Be concerned about one area that God cares about, that you usually don't care about.))