Soar! In 66 days
1 Corinthians 3:7: "So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth." Spiritual growth is something that every mature Christian strives for. We don't want to be stagnant in our walk with Christ, but to come to know Him more each day. But there can be times in our lives when we feel like we've stalled out. During these times, we must understand that God is the one who gives growth. When we stop trying to self-improve and instead rely on God to supply our needs, He will carry us far above these spiritual dead ends and into new life.
Write down an area where roadblocks had interfered with your's spiritual growth.
Click the button below to download the 66 Days Log Sheet if you haven't done it yet.
Download 66 Days Rise Log Sheet
If you find yourself discouraged, remember these things to Rise above Dead Ends.
God has the keys to your life and purpose.
In God's time and wisdom, God will open the doors of opportunity for you. No matter what.
No hardship or personal failure can keep that door from opening. No matter how late you think it is.
Stay faithful in unchanging situations, while God aligns the needed sequence of events with your heart.