Soar! In 66 days
Mark 16:15: "And he said to them, "Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation." Evangelism is key in the life of a Christian; it is the way by which God builds His Church and draws sinners to amazing grace. But it doesn't work unless His people step up and share the Gospel. We are all guilty of shying away from talking about God for fear of rejection. But our communities, our countries, and our world needs a Savior. And when we rise above our isolated lifestyles, we can be the ones to lead them to the only one who can save them – Jesus.
Do You find yourself isolating away from Your Purpose for long periods of time?
Click the button below to download the 66 Days Log Sheet if you haven't done it yet.
Download 66 Days Rise Log Sheet
Being alone isn't always a bad thing. However, you can't live every day in that state. So instead of retreating to a room lying in bed to cry about your problems, try to get outside of yourself by
Identify the root cause of your isolation and determine why you view yourself as unworthy
Try to reconnect with an old healthy friend that you haven't spoken to in a while, or form an entirely new friendship with someone new.
Share your overcomer experience with someone that has heard it.